- Remove Outer Tie Rod's
- Remove Rubber Boots
- Remove Inner Tie Rod's by unpinning where the metal was punched down and spinning off with a pipe wrench
- Remove the plates over the pinon bearing & the bush holder on the side
- Remove the seal where the shaft enters the pinion
- Hammer the shaft (lightly) to remove the pinion bearing
- Pull the rack out.
Will replace the boots (torn), pinon oil seal, and the outer tie rods.
Bearings & bushings look fine.
Steering Rack
Inner Tie Rods
- These just screw on to the rack.
Notice there are several items that make up the inner tie rod.
Rack etc..
Pinion Bearing Removal
Blast & Powder Coat Steering Rack
Blast & Paint Sway Bar (& shock lever's)